Collaboration and Coordination for Quality Horticultural and Plantation Statistical Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kendal Regency

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Collaboration and Coordination for Quality Horticultural and Plantation Statistical Data

Collaboration and Coordination for Quality Horticultural and Plantation Statistical Data

November 22, 2023 | BPS Activities

Kendal [22/11]. Horticulture and plantation data are an important component of GRDP and economic growth in the agricultural sector. In this regard, the Kendal Regency BPS collaborated with Baperlitbang and the Kendal Regency Agriculture and Food Service to hold the 2023 Kendal Regency Horticulture and Plantation Data Evaluation Coordination Meeting. The activity which was held at RM Lumintu invited 20 agricultural statistics officers in the sub-district from the Regency Agriculture and Food Service Kendal. The activity was opened by Kendal Regency BPS Intermediate Statistician, Harjo Teguh Ilmiana. In his speech he said that quality data is the main key to success in planning. To obtain quality data, good synergy, coordination and collaboration is needed in the data collection process. Apart from that, the seriousness of field officers is also no less important.
The principles of good data include an appropriate methodological basis, being diligent in recording and observing, the urgency of the data according to needs and a table account or can be trusted (EMERGENCY), so that objective and representative data will be realized.
Head of Baperlitbang Kendal Regency, Izzudin Latif, SH, MH was present as a resource person at this activity. In his material he conveyed the essence of horticultural and plantation data for planning. It was stated that the phenomenon in Kendal was fluctuations in the area of horticultural agricultural land due to farmer interest and the weather. The challenge for the future is how to increase the productivity of horticulture and plantation agriculture through modernizing technology and downstreaming agricultural products to MSMEs.

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