Evaluation Meeting for Susenas, Seruti, and Sakernas Activities - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kendal Regency

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Evaluation Meeting for Susenas, Seruti, and Sakernas Activities

Evaluation Meeting for Susenas, Seruti, and Sakernas Activities

February 24, 2025 | BPS Activities

Kendal – BPS Kendal Regency held an Evaluation Meeting for Susenas, Seruti, and Sakernas activities at the BPS Kendal hall on February 20-21, 2025. The event was attended by the Head of BPS Kendal Regency, Innas, as well as PMLs and their respective PCLs.

This meeting covered several key agendas, including updates on the progress of data collection, discussions on challenges encountered during the process, and reviews of errors found in the questionnaire responses.

Through this evaluation meeting, it is expected that PCLs will become more meticulous and precise in conducting data collection. Likewise, PMLs are encouraged to be more thorough in reviewing the collected documents and ensuring that there are no errors in the questionnaire entries.
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