Economic Growth in Central Java Quarter III 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kendal Regency

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Economic Growth in Central Java Quarter III 2022

Release Date : July 25, 2024
File Size : 1.67 MB


Central Java's economy in the third quarter of 2022 based on GDP on the basis of prevailing prices (ADHB) reached Rp 396,643.77 billion and on the basis of constant prices (ADHK) in 2010 reached Rp 264,862.50 billion.

In terms of production, growth was driven by almost all business fields, with the highest growth achieved by the Transportation and Trade business field which grew by 98.53 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, the component that experienced the highest increase occurred in the Export of Goods and Services (including Inter-Regional Exports) by 17.05 percent

Structurally, the Processing Industry business field dominated the economic structure of Central Java in the third quarter of 2022 with a contribution of 33.40 percent, while in terms of expenditure, it was dominated by the Household Consumption Expenditure Component (PK-RT) with a contribution of 58.42 percent.
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