Monthly Morning Briefing of BPS Kendal Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kendal Regency

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Monthly Morning Briefing of BPS Kendal Regency

Monthly Morning Briefing of BPS Kendal Regency

February 17, 2025 | Other Activities

Kendal - BPS Kendal Regency holds a regular monthly assembly. In this month's assembly, the Deputy of Statistics delivered a speech and presented various strategic agendas to be implemented in the first quarter of 2025 under the Social Statistics Deputyship.

In his speech, the Deputy of Social Statistics outlined several key programs to be carried out, including the National Survey on Financial Literacy and Inclusion, the National Labor Force Survey in February, the National Socio-Economic Survey in March, and the Routine Survey (SERUTI). He emphasized the importance of collaboration and professionalism in executing these activities.

In addition to the speech, the assembly also included the announcement of a functional position promotion decree (SK) for employees who met the requirements. Zuliya Ismawati, A.Md., was promoted to Senior Statistician. This recognition is expected to serve as motivation for all employees to continue contributing to the development of high-quality statistical data.
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