Coaching Clinic on the Development of Integrity Zones - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kendal Regency

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Coaching Clinic on the Development of Integrity Zones

Coaching Clinic on the Development of Integrity Zones

January 20, 2025 | Other Activities

Kendal (20/1) – BPS of Kendal Regency organized a Coaching Clinic on the Development of Integrity Zones (ZI) in collaboration with the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) as a strategic step to share experiences and best practices in achieving the predicate of a Corruption-Free Zone (WBK).

The event included presentations on best practices implemented by BPS Kendal in achieving the WBK predicate. As one of the institutions that has successfully attained this predicate, BPS Kendal shared strategies that can serve as a guide for BNN in building their Integrity Zone. Additionally, a Q&A session was held as a vital part of the event, providing BNN with an opportunity to explore in-depth the steps and innovations required in the ZI development process.

This activity is expected to serve as a good starting point in strengthening synergy between government institutions to create cleaner, more transparent, and corruption-free public services.

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